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  • Carroll MK, Harold N, Highsmith MJ, Ulric A, Latlief G, Courtade A, Conroy B, Phillips S, Hou S, Stock M, Choi H, Boone D+, Perceptions and Use of the Transtibial Smart Adaptive Socket. American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists 47th Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium.
  • Carroll MK, Hou S, Highsmith MJ, Stock MS, Choi H, Predicting Device Tolerance Using the Technology Acceptance Model: A Theoretical Introduction. American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists 47th Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium.
  • Sepehr Ramezani*, Joseph Dranetz*, Matt Stock, and Hwan Choi+, Electromyographic Validation of individual Muscle Contributions Predicted in Two Musculoskeletal Models. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society.
  • Md Sanzid Bin Hossain*, Joseph Dranetz*, Hwan Choi+, and Zhishan Guo+, An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for the Estimation of Lower Extremity Kinematics Using Shoe-Mounted IMU Sensors. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society.
  • Eric Irani, Matthew Crawford, Sepehr Ramezani*, Joeseph Dranetz*, and Hwan Choi+, Deriving Muscle Pathway of the Gastrocnemius Using Motion Capture and Ultrasound for Musculoskeletal Modeling. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society.
  • Sepehr Ramezani*, Joseph Dranetz*, Matt Stock, and Hwan Choi+, Electromyographic Validation of individual Muscle Contributions Predicted in Two Musculoskeletal Models. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society.
  • Brain Brady, Valorie Smith, Sepehr Ramezani*, Gabriel Rios Carbonell*, Hogene Kim, Ji-Eun Cho, Kyeong-Jun Seo, and Hwan Choi+, Ankle Assistive Device Stiffness Test: A Novel Method for Quantifying Stiffness of Ankle-Foot Orthoses. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 2021.

  • Dranetz JM, Ramezani S, Stock M, Carroll M, Varro M, Yeo WH, Bagci U, Cornnell H, and Choi H, In-Silico Biomechanical Models for Affected Muscle in Transtibial Amputees. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020.
  • Hossain MSB, LeeYH, Hong JW, Choi H*, and Guo Z*, Predicting Lower Limb 3D Kinematics during Gait Using Reduced Number of Wearable Sensors via Deep Learning. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020. (*Co-corresponding authors)
  • Ramezani S, Dranetz JM, Stock MS, Choi H, Validation of Musculoskeletal Models Using Single Degree of Freedom Analysis. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020.
  • Rios Carbonell and Choi H, Biomimicry of the Gastrocnemius During Gait for Transtibial Amputees. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020.
  • Holh B, Choi H, Real-time Adjustable Stiffness and Timing Ankle Prosthesis. Korean society of precision engineering (Jeju, South Korea) May, 2019
  • Rosenberg M, Choi H, Peters J, and Steele KM. Relating AFO Stiffness and Margins of Stability During Walking. American Society of Biomechanics (Boulder, CO) Aug, 2017.
  • Choi H, Rrandhawa A, Wakeling JM, Peters K, and Steele KM. Changes in Achilles Tendon Length with Varying Ankle Foot Orthosis Stiffness. American Society of Biomechanics (Raleigh, NC) Aug, 2016.
  • Choi H, Wren T, Steele KM. Evaluating Changes in Gastrocnemius Length with Different Orthoses Using Musculoskeletal Modeling. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (Portland, OR) Mar, 2015.