- Sosa, J., Chambers, J., AHMED, K.A. , Poludnenko, A., Gamezo, V., “Compressible Turbulent Flame Speeds of Highly-Turbulent Standing Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, in-press 03/2018.
- Geikie, M. , AHMED, K.A. , “Pressure-Gradient Tailoring Effects on the Turbulent Flame-Vortex Dynamics of Bluff-Body Premixed Flames,” Combustion and Flame, under review 02/2018.
- Chambers, J. , AHMED, K.A. , “Spontaneous Runaway of Fast Turbulent Flames for Turbulence Driven DDT,” Combustion and Flame, under review 02/2018.
- Reyes, J. , Kumar, R. , AHMED, K.A. , “Relationship between the Chemiluminescence Intensity Ratio of C2* and CH*, Charge Pressure, and Equivalence Ratio for Gasoline,” Energy and Fuels, under review 02/2018.
- Ninnemann, E, Pryor, O., Barak, S., Nash, L., Loparo, Z., Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A. , Vasu, S. “New insights into the shock tube ignition of H2/O2 at low to moderate temperatures using high-speed end-wall imaging,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 187, 2018.
- Hogue, M.D., Cox, R.E., Mulligan, J. , Ahmed, K, Wilson, J.G. and Calle, L.M., “Dynamic gas flow effects on the ESD of aerospace vehicle surfaces,” Journal of Electrostatics, 91, 2018.
- AHMED, K.A. , Wiley, A., “Structured light-field focusing for flowfield diagnostics,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 89, 2017.
- Chambers, J., AHMED, K.A. , “Turbulent Flame Augmentation using a Fluidic Jet for Deflagration-to-Detonation,” Fuel, accepted, in-press 03/2017.
- McGarry, J. , AHMED, K.A. , “Flame-Turbulence Interaction of Laminar Premixed Deflagrated Flame,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 176, 2017.
- Geikie, M., AHMED, K.A. , “Lagrangian Mechanisms of Flame Extinction for Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames,” Fuel, Vol. 194, 2017.
- Geikie, M. Carr, Z.R., AHMED, K.A. , Forliti, J., “On the flame-generated vorticity dynamics of bluff-body-stabilized premixed flames,” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol. 99, 2017.
- Chambers, J., AHMED, K.A. , Poludnenko, A., “Exploration of Turbulence Driven Deflagration to Detonation of Fast Flames,” International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), 2017.
- Lovett, J.A., AHMED, K.A., Klusmeyer, A., Smith, A.G., Lubarsky, E., Menon, S., Zinn, B.T., “Influence of Fuel Distribution on the Flame Structure of Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 136, 2014.
- AHMED, K.A. , Ali, M. , Alvi, F., “Mixing Characteristics of Transverse Microjet Arrays in a Supersonic Backward-Facing Step Flow,” AIAA Journal, Volume 52, No. 12, 2014.
- Ali, M. , AHMED, K.A., Kumar, R., Alvi, F., “Flowfield Characteristics of Oblique Shocks Generated Using Microjet Arrays,” Journal of Flow Control, Vol. 47, No. 11, 2014.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Fluidic Flame Stabilization in a Planar Combustor Using a Transverse Slot Jet,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 47, No. 11, 2009, pp. 2770-2775.
- Carr, Z.R., AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Spatially-Correlated Precision Error in Digital Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement of Turbulent Flows,” Experiment in Fluids, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2009, pp. 95-106.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., Moody, J., and Yamanaka, R., “Flowfield Characteristics of a Confined Transverse Slot,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2008, pp. 94-103.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., Moody, J., “The Effect of Slot Jet Size on the Confined Transverse Slot Jet,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2008, pp. 13-26.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Premixed Flame Stabilization using a Wall-bounded Bluff Body: Influence of Equivalence Ratio and Boundary Layer Tripping,” Combustion Science and Technology, under review.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Mechanisms Influencing Turbulent Flame Structures of Fluidic Flame Holding,” Combustion and Flame, under review.
- Wilmer, F. , AHMED, K.A., “Time-Resolved Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Liquid Jet Dynamics,” Physics of Fluids, under preparation.
- Geikie, M. , Sosa, J. , Fernandez, C., AHMED, K * and Kapat, J. “Jet in Crossflow Mixing at Different Injection Angles and Blowing Ratios for Film Cooling Applications” Journal of Fluids Engineering, under prep.
- Chambers, J. , AHMED, K , Poludnenko, A., Gamezo, V., “Physics of Turbulence Induced Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition” under prep.
Papers & Proceedings
- Rosato, D., Sosa, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Comparison of Measured and Calculated Detonation Propagation Velocities from a Pre-Detonator in Supersonic Crossflow,” 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2018.
- Chambers, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Investigation of Criteria for Turbulence Induced Deflagration to Detonation.” 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2018.
- Tarrant, D.J., Chambers, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Fast Flame Interaction with High Pressure Turbulent Jets for Turbulent Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition,” 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2018.
- Dunn, I., Thurmond, K., AHMED, K.A., Vasu, S., “Exploration of Measuring Pressure Gain Combustion within a Rotating Detonation Engine.” 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2018.
- Thurmond, K., Dunn, I., AHMED, K.A., Vasu, S., “A Laser Spectroscopic Instrument for the Fast and Harsh Reacting Flows of Rotating Detonation Engines.” 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2018.
- Morales, A., Geikie, M. K., Engelmann, C., AHMED, K.A., and Engelmann, C. UG, “Turbulence Regime Characterization for Premixed Combustion,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Engelmann, C., Geikie, M. K., Morales, A., and AHMED, K.A., “Turbulent, Low-Speed, Ballistic Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames’ Extinction Conditions,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Ozawa, R., Cox, T., and AHMED, K.A. , “Three-dimensional Measurements of Supersonic Flow Using Tomographic Background Oriented Schlieren,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A., Hoke, J., and Schauer, F., “Experimental Investigation of Detonation Wave Propagation in a Supersonic Crossflow,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A., Hoke, J., and Schauer, F., “Velocimetry Measurements using Structured Light-Field Focusing in a Rotating Detonation Engine,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Geikie, M. K., Morales, A., Engelmann, C., and AHMED, K.A., “Turbulence-Flame Interaction in the Broken Reaction Regime,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Sosa, J., Rosato, D., and AHMED, K.A., “The Propagation Characteristics of a Detonation Wave in a Supersonic Mach 5 Flow,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Chambers, J., AHMED, K.A., Stevens, CA, Hoke, J., Schauer F., “Turbulent Detonation Transition in a Linearized Rotating Detonation Engine,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Ozawa, R., Cox, T. , Reyes, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Structured Light-Field Focusing 3D Density Measurements of A Supersonic Cone,” 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018.
- Loparo, Z., Muraviev, A., Figueiredo, P., Lyakh, A. Peale, R., AHMED, K.A., Vasu, S., “Acousto-Optically Modulated Quantum Cascade Laser Measurements for Combustion,” ASME Turbo Expo 2018.
- Reyes, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Simultaneous Spectral Imaging of C2*/CH* at Low-to-High Pressure Combustion,” ASME Turbo Expo 2017.
- Khadse, A., Blanchette, L., Kapat, J., Vasu, S., AHMED, K.A., “Optimization of Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle for Simple Cycle Gas Turbines Exhaust Heat Recovery Using Genetic Algorithm,” ASME Turbo Expo 2017.
- Hogue, M, Cox, R., Mulligan, J., Kapat, J., AHMED, K.A, Wilson, J., Calle, L., “Revision of Paschen’s Law Relating to the ESD of Aerospace Vehicle Surfaces,” Proc. 2017 Electrostatics Joint Conference.
- Mulligan, J., Reyes, J., Ozawa, R., and AHMED, K.A., “Triboelectric Charging Influence on Static Pressure Measurements for Space Re-entry and Launch Vehicles.” AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition. 2017.
- Chambers, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Turbulence Induced Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion. 2017.
- Geikie, M. K., Engelmann, C., Morales, A., and AHMED, K.A., “Turbulence-Flame Interaction in the Thin Reaction Regime,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion. 2017.
- Engelmann, C., Geikie, M. K., Morales, A., and AHMED, K.A., “Extinction Conditions of Low-Speed Ballistic Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion. 2017.
- Morales, A., Geikie, M. K., Engelmann, C., and AHMED, K.A., “Development and Characterization of a Turbulence Generator for Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Applications,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion. 2017.
- Tarrant, D.J., Chambers, J., and AHMED, K.A., Experimental Investigation of Solid and Fluidic Obstacle Interactions with Premixed Laminar Flames,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2017.
- Sosa, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Advances on the Stabilization of Standing Continuous Detonation for Pressure Gain Propulsion,” 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion, 2017.
- Chambers, J., and AHMED, K.A., “An Experimental Investigation of Fast Hydrogen-Air Flames and Detonations Using a Turbulence Generating Facility.” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2017.
- Geikie, M. K., Engelmann, C., Morales, A., Schale, R., and AHMED, K.A., “Turbulence-Flame Interaction in the Wrinkled and Corrugated Flamelet Regimes.” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2017.
- Sosa, J., and AHMED, K.A., “Design & Development of a Hypersonic Combustor for Oblique Detonation Wave Stabilization.” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2017.
- Ninnemann, E., Pryor, O., Barak, S., Koroglu, B., Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A., & Vasu, S., “High-Speed Imaging of the Dynamics of H2/O2 Ignition at Low to Moderate Temperatures in a Shock Tube.” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2017.
- Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A., “Stabilized Standing-Continuous Detonation for Pressure Gain Propulsion,” Turbine Engine Technology Symposium, Dayton OH, September 12 – 15, 2016.
- Flores, W., Otero, M., AHMED, K. & Knaus, D. “Gas Turbine Fuel Injectors for Variable-Property Fuels” Turbine Engine Technology Symposium, Dayton OH, September 12 – 15, 2016.
- Sosa, J., AHMED, K.A., “Design & Development of a Hypersonic Combustor for Oblique Detonation Wave Stabilization,” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine TX, 9-12 Jan., 2017.
- Chambers, J., AHMED, K. “An Experimental Investigation of Fast Hydrogen-Air Flames and Detonations Using a Turbulence Generating Facility” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine TX, 9-12 Jan., 2017.
- Geikie, M., AHMED, K., “Turbulence-Flame Interaction in the Wrinkled and Corrugated Flamelet Regimes” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine TX, 9-12 Jan., 2017.
- Royero, J., AHMED, K., “Development of a Lagrangian Vortex Subgrid Scale Turbulent Combustion Model” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine TX, 9-12 Jan., 2017.
- Ninnemann, E., Sosa, J., Koroglu, B., Pryor, O., AHMED, K. & Vasu, S. “High-Speed Imaging of the Dynamics of H2/O2 Ignition at Low to Moderate Temperatures in a Shock Tube” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine TX, 9-12 Jan., 2017.
- Hogue, M. D., Kapat, J., AHMED, K., Cox, R. E., Wilson, J. G., Calle, L. M., & Mulligan, J. “Dynamic Gas Flow Effects on the ESD of Aerospace Vehicle Surfaces” Proc. 2016 Electrostatics Joint Conference, West Lafayette, IN, June 13-16, 2016.
- Chambers, J., McGarry, J., AHMED, K.A., “Fluidic Jet Augmentation of a Turbulent Flame for Deflagration-to-Detonation,” 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diago, 4-8 Jan., 2016.
- Geikie, M., Sosa, J., Fernandez, C., AHMED, K. & Kapat, J. “Laser Induced Fluorescence Investigation of Single Row Film Cooling at Various Inclination Angles and Blowing Ratios” 54th AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA, 4-8 Jan., 2016.
- McGarry, J., AHMED, K.A., “Laminar Deflagrated Flame Interaction with A Fluidic Jet Flow for Deflagration-to-Detonation Flame Acceleration,” 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Orlando, FL, 27-29 July, 2015.
- Geikie, M., AHMED, K.A., “Velocity-Induced Flame Extinction Dynamics of Lean Premixed Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames,” 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, Orlando, FL, 27-29 July, 2015.
- Wiedow, B., AHMED, K.A., “Performance Characteristics of Fluidic-Based Thrust Augmentation Using a Slot Jet for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Propulsion,” 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL, 27-29 July, 2015.
- Geikie, M., AHMED, K.A., “Flame Extinction Dynamics of Lean Premixed Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames,” 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 5-9 Jan., 2015.
- Hughes, C.N., Dutta, D., Bashirzadeh, Y. , AHMED, K.A., Qian, S., “Measuring Shear Stress with a Microfluidic Sensor to improve Aerodynamic Efficiency,” 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 5-9 Jan., 2015.
- Lovett, J.A., AHMED, K.A., Klusmeyer, A., Smith, A.G., Lubarsky, E., Menon, S., Zinn, B.T., “Influence of Fuel Distribution on the Flame Structure of Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, San Antonio, TX, 3-7 June, 2013.
- AHMED, K.A., Ali, M., Alvi, F., “Mixing Characteristics of Transverse Microjet Arrays in a Supersonic Backward-Facing Step Flow,” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, 4-7 Jan., 2011.
- Ali, M., AHMED, K.A., Kumar, R., Alvi, F., “Flowfield Characteristics of Oblique Shocks Generated Using Microjet Arrays,” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, 4-7 Jan., 2011.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Turbulent Flame Structures and Flame-Generated Vorticity Influence on Combustor Performance Employing Fluidic Flame Holding,” 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, 4-7 Jan., 2010.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “On the Mechanisms of Combustion Rate Enhancement of the Fluidic Dump Combustor,” ONR – Advanced Propulsion Review, Monterey, CA, 9-11 June, 2009.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Performance of Combustors Employing Fluidic Flame Holding,” ONR – International Symposium on Recent Advances in Combustion and Noise Control for Propulsion, Kauai, HI, 10-12 December, 2008.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Combustor Flowfield Measurements of a Transverse Jet Flame Holder,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, FL, 5-8 Jan., 2009.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Flame Holding and Combustion Characteristics of a Geometrical Flame Holder,”ASME Heat Transfer, Jacksonville, FL., 10-14 Aug., 2008.
- Forliti, D.J., AHMED, K.A., “Flame Stabilization in a Model Ramjet Combustor Using a Transverse Slot Jet,” 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 7-10 Jan., 2008.
- Forliti, D.J., AHMED, K.A., “Flame Stabilization and Flowfield Characteristics of a Fluidic Dump Combustor,” Proceedings of the 20th ONR Propulsion Conf., Arlington, VA, 12-14 December, 2007.
- Forliti, D.J., AHMED, K.A., “Induced Recirculation using Planar Jet Injection for Flame Stabilization,” Proceedings of the 19th ONR Propulsion Conference, Orange County, CA, 18-20 December, 2006.
Conference Presentations
- Chambers, J., AHMED, K.A., “Fast Hydrogen-Air Flames for Turbulence Driven Deflagration to Detonation Transition,” 69th APS DFD, Portland, OR 20-22 Nov., 2016.
- Chambers, J., Gerdts, S. AHMED, K.A., “Characterizing Laminar Flame Interactions with Turbulent Fluidic Jets and Solid Obstacles for Turbulence Induction,” 69th APS DFD, Portland, OR 20-22 Nov., 2016.
- Royero, J. , AHMED, K.A., “Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Vortex Model for Turbulent Reacting Flows,” 69th APS DFD, Portland, OR 20-22 Nov., 2016.
- Chambers, J., McGarry, J., AHMED, K.A., “Turbulent Deflagrated Flame Interaction with a Fluidic Jet Flow for Deflagration-to-Detonation Flame Acceleration,” 68th APS DFD, Boston, MA 22-24 Nov., 2015.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Experimental Studies of Confined Premixed Flames Stabilized using Bluff Bodies and Transverse Jets,” Sandia National Laboratory Technical Seminar, Livermore, CA, 13 April, 2009.
- AHMED, K.A., Carr, Zakery, Forliti, D.J., “Operating Characteristics of a Fluidic Premixed Dump,” 60th APS DFD, Salt Lake City, UT 18-20 Nov., 2007.
- Carr, Zakery, AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Flow Field Measurements of a Fluidic Dump Combustor,” 60th APS DFD, Salt Lake City, UT 18-20 Nov., 2007.
- AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “Flame Stabilization in a Model Ramjet Combustor Using a Transverse Slot Jet,” MAE Praxair seminar, SUNY at Buffalo, NY, 18 Oct., 2007.
- AHMED, K.A., Moody, J., Forliti, D.J., “Flow Field Features of the Induced Recirculation Zone using Planar Jet Injection,” 59th APS DFD, Tampa, FL, 19-21 Nov., 2007.
- Moody, J., AHMED, K.A., Forliti, D.J., “A Parametric Study of the Induced Recirculation Zone using Single/Double Planar Jet Injection,” 59th APS DFD, Tampa, FL, 19-21 Nov., 2007.
- “Focusing Systems and Methods for Flow Visualization” K. AHMED, L. Lourenco, A. Wiley, Patent 61/498,809, 2011.
- “Shear Stress Sensor” C. Hughes, S. Qian, K. AHMED, Patent 61/918,045, 2014.