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Refereed Journal Articles


  1. Hanson, David R, Michael P Kinzel, and Stephen T McClain, 2019., “Validation of the Discrete Element Roughness Method for Predicting Heat Transfer on Rough Surfaces.”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136: 1217–32.
  2. Hanson, David R, and Michael P Kinzel, 2019., “Evaluation of a Subgrid-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Ice Roughness.”, Journal of Aircraft 56(2): 787–99.
  3. Cole, Julia A, Mark D Maughmer, Michael Kinzel, and Götz Bramesfeld, 2018., “Higher-Order Free-Wake Method for Propeller–Wing Systems.”, Journal of Aircraft 56(1): 150–65.
  4. Kakuturu, S, M Xiao, and M Kinzel, 2019., “Effects of Maximum Particle Size on the Results of Hydrometer Tests on Soils” ed. William J Likos., Geotechnical Testing Journal 42(4): 945–65.
  5. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2019., “An Assessment of Computational Fluid Dynamics Cavitation Models Using Bubble Growth Theory and Bubble Transport Modeling.”, Journal of Fluids Engineering 141(4).
  6. Fronzeo, Melissa A, Michael Kinzel, and Jules W Lindau, 2019., “An Assessment of Pressure Variations in Artificially Ventilated Cavities.”, Ocean Engineering 177: 85–96.


  1. Thedin, Regis, Michael P Kinzel, Joseph F Horn, and Sven Schmitz, 2018., “Coupled Simulations of Atmospheric Turbulence-Modified Ship Airwakes and Helicopter Flight Dynamics.”, Journal of Aircraft 56(2): 812–24.
  2. Thedin, Regis; Kinzel, Michael P.; Schmitz, Sven, 2018., “An Evaluation of the Effects of Resolved Shear-Driven Atmospheric Turbulence on Ship Airwakes.”, Journal of the American Helicopter Society 63(2): 1-16(16).
  3. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2018., “A Multiphase Level-Set Approach for All-Mach Numbers.”, Computers & Fluids 167: 1–16.
  4. Chang, Oliver, Michael Kinzel, Robert Dilmore, and John Yilin Wang, 2018., “Physics of Proppant Transport Through Hydraulic Fracture Network.”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology.
  5. Cheng, Baofeng, Yiqiang Han, Kenneth S. Brentner, Jose Palacios, Philip J. Morris, David Hanson, and Michael Kinzel, 2018., “Surface Roughness Effect on Rotor Broadband Noise.”, International Journal of Aeroacoustics.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P., Michael H. Krane, Ivan N. Kirschner, and Michael J. Moeny, 2017., “A Numerical Assessment of the Interaction of a Supercavitating Flow with a Gas Jet.”, Ocean Engineering 136: 304–13.
  2. Skidmore, Grant M, Jules W Lindau, Timothy A Brungart, Michael J Moeny, and Michael P Kinzel, 2017., “Finite Volume, Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Investigation of Supercavity Pulsations.”, Journal of Fluids Engineering 139(9): 91301–10.


  1. Esplin, James James, Benjamin J. Kim, Michael P. Kinzel, and R. L. Culver, 2016., “Bulk Cavitation Extent Modeling: An Energy-Based Approach.”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140(4): 196.
  2. Balu, Asish, Michael P Kinzel, and Scott T Miller, 2016., “A Singularity Handling Approach for the Rayleigh-Plesset Equation.”, International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications 15(2): 151.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P, Leonard Joel Peltier, Brigette Rosendall, Mallory Elbert, Andri Rizhakov, Jonathan Berkoe, and Kelly Knight, 2015., “A Model Constraint for Polydisperse Solids in Multifluid Flows.”, Journal of Fluids Engineering 137(11): 111104.


  1. Palacios, Jose, Michael Kinzel, Austin Overmeyer, and Joseph Szefi, 2014., “Active Gurney Flaps: Their Application in a Rotor Blade Centrifugal Field.”, Journal of Aircraft 51(2): 473–89.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P, Mark D Maughmer, and Earl P N. Duque, 2010., “Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamics of Oscillating Airfoils with Deployable Gurney Flaps.”, AIAA Journal 48(7): 1457–69.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P, Mark D Maughmer, and George A Lesieutre, 2007., “Miniature Trailing-Edge Effectors for Rotorcraft Performance Enhancement.”, Journal of the American Helicopter Society 52(2): 146–58.


Refereed Publications in Conference Proceedings


  1. Sustersic, Heather A., Michael P. Kinzel, James E. Horting, and Mary E. Haynes, 2019., “Best Practices for Masonry Resilience Based on Performance during the 2018 Wilkes-Barre Tornado.”, In 13th North American Masonry Conference Salt Lake City (13NAMC), Salt Lake City, UT, USA: The Masonry Society.


  1. Fronzeo, Melissa, and Michael Kinzel, 2018., “A Computational Assessment of Gas Jets in a Bubbly Co-Flow.”, In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), ed. Joseph Katz. Baltimore, MD, USA: ASME Press.
  2. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2018., “An Evaluation of CFD Cavitation Models Using Streamline Data.”, In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), ed. Joseph Katz. Baltimore, MD, USA: ASME Press.
  3. Hanson, David R., Michael P. Kinzel, Kyle Sinding, and Michael Krane, 2018., “An Investigation of Tip-Vortex Turbulence Structure Using Large-Eddy Simulation.”, In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), ed. Joseph Katz. Baltimore, MD, USA: ASME Press.
  4. Fronzeo, Melissa, Samuel Hansford, Zachary Berger, and Michael Kinzel, 2018., “Regime Classification Methods for a Gas Jet in a Liquid Co-Flow.”, In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), ed. Joseph Katz. Baltimore, MD, USA: ASME Press.
  5. Thedin, Regis, Michael P. Kinzel, and Sven Schmitz, 2018., “Simulation of a Helicopter-Ship Dynamic Interface Using Offline Database of Atmospheric Turbulence-Modified Airwake.”, In Annual Forum Proceedings – AHS International,.


  1. Valenti, Justin D, Michael P Kinzel, and Miller Simon A, 2017., “Sequential Design of UAV Fuselage Pods Using Bounding Aerodynamic Models.”, In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), ed. ASME. Waikoloa, Hawaii: ASME, FEDSM2017-69361.
  2. Fronzeo, Melissa A, Michael P Kinzel, and Lindau Jules W, 2017., “A Flow Regime Map for Gas Jets in a Liquid Co-Flow.”, In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), ed. ASME. Waikoloa, Hawaii: ASME, FEDSM2017-69483.
  3. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2017., “A Unified Model for Cavitation.”, In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA: ASME.
  4. Fronzeo, Melissa A, Michael P Kinzel, and Lindau Jules W, 2017., “Artificially Ventilated Cavity: Evaluating the Constant-Pressure Approximation.”, In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), ed. ASME. Waikoloa, Hawaii: ASME, FEDSM2017-69367.
  5. Hanson, David R, and Michael P Kinzel, 2017., “An Improved CFD Approach for Ice-Accretion Prediction Using the Discrete Element Roughness Method.”, In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017), ed. ASME. Waikoloa, Hawaii: ASME, FEDSM2017-69365.
  6. Thedin, Regis, Michael P. Kinzel, and Sven U. Schmitz, 2017., “High-Fidelity Simulations of the Interaction of Atmospheric Turbulence with Ship Airwakes.”, In AHS 72nd Forum and Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P., Michael J. Moeny, Michael H. Krane, Ivan N. Kirschner, and Michael P. Kinzel, 2015., “Jet-Supercavity Interaction: Insights from Experiments.”, In 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2015), Lausanne, Switzerland, 12162.
  2. Kirschner, Ivan N., Michael J. Moeny, Michael H. Krane, and Michael P. Kinzel, 2015., “Jet-Supercavity Interaction: Insights from Physics Analysis.”, In 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2015), , 12156.
  3. Moeny, M. J., M. H. Krane, I. N. Kirschner, and M. P. Kinzel, 2015., “Jet-Supercavity Interaction: Insights from Experiments.”, In Journal of Physics: Conference Series,.
  4. Pal, S, L J Peltier, A Rizhakov, M P Kinzel, M H Elbert, Kelly J Knight, and S Rao, 2015., “Assessment of Cooling Tower Discharge Recirculation and Dispersion Using CFD Techniques.”, In ASME 2015 Power Conference, San Diego, California, USA: ASME, V001T12A002; 15 pages.


  1. Kim, J, L Sankar, C. Brown, R Kunz, J Lindau, M Kinzel, and R. Kreeger, 2013., “Numerical Simulation of Airfoil Ice Accretion Phenomena.”, In The 2nd Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum and The 4th International Basic Research Conference on Rotorcraft Technology, Tianjin, China.


  1. Pal, Sanjeeb, Andri Rizhakov, Michael P Kinzel, and Kelly J Knight, 2012., “Assessment of Free Surface/Submerged Vortical Flow Structures and Gas Entrainment at Pump Intakes Using RANS CFD.”, In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, , 189–208.
  2. Kinzel, Michael P, Sanjeeb Pal, Philip Diwakar, David Messersmith, Sanjay Ganjam, Prakash Desai, Christopher Kennedy, Ajay Prakash, Jonathan Berkoe, Leonard Joel Pelter, and others, 2013., “CFD Loading Assessments on a Liquid Quenched Propane System.”, In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, , V07AT08A046; 14 pages.
  3. Kinzel, Michael P., Leonard J. Peltier, Brigette Rosendall, Andri Rizhakov, and Kelly J. Knight, 2012., “A CFD-Based Integral Pump-down Model for Computing Solids Transfer from a Mixing Vessel.”, In International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE,.


  1. Kinzel, M.P. and Noack, R.W. and Sarofeen, C.M. and Boger, D, 2011., “A CFD Approach for Predicting 3D Ice Accretion on Aircraft.”, Society of Automotive Engineers.


  1. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2009., “An Examination of Thermal Modeling Affects to the Numerical Prediction of Large-Scale Cavitating Fluid Flow.”, In 7th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2009), Ann Arbor, USA.
  2. Kinzel, Michael P, Jules W Lindau, and Robert F Kunz, 2009., “Air Entrainment Mechanisms from Artificial Supercavities: Insight Based on Numerical Simulations.”, In 7th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2009), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 136.
  3. Lindau, Jules W, William L Moody, Michael P Kinzel, James J Dreyer, Robert F Kunz, and Eric G Paterson, 2009., “Computation of Cavitating Flow through Marine Propulsors.”, In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Trondheim, Norway, 1–10.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Lindau, J.W., Peltier, L.J., Zajaczkowski, F., Arndt, R.A., Wosnik, M., Mallison, T., “Computational Investigations of Air Entrainment, Hysteresis, and Loading for Large-Scale, Buoyant Cavities,” 9th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 5-8, 2007.


  1. Lindau, J.W., Kinzel, M.P., Stinebring, D.R, Kunz, R.F., Boger, D.A., Noack, R.W. “The Effects of a Free-Surface on Computed Turbulent, Super and Partially Cavitating Flows,” 9th International Symposium on Cavitation, Wageningen, Netherlands, Sept., 2006.
  2. Lindau, J.W., Paterson, E.G, Kinzel, M.P., Kunz, R.F., Boger, D.A., Noack, R.W. “Computation of Turbulent and Partially Cavitating Flows Beneath a Free Surface,” 26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2006.


  1. Maughmer, M.D., Lesieutre, G.A., Kinzel, M.P., “Miniature Trailing Edge Effectors for Rotorcraft Performance Enhancement,” AHS 61th Forum and Technology Display, Grape Vine, TX, USA, June 2005.


  1. Maughmer, M.D., Lesieutre, G.A., Thepvongs, S., Anderson, W., Kinzel, M.P., “Miniature Trailing Edge Effectors for Rotorcraft Applications”, AHS 59th Forum and Technology Display, Phoenix, AZ, May 2003.


Non-Refereed Publications in Conference Proceedings


  1. Fontes, Douglas H, Reed W Forehand, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “Lagrangian Numerical Analysis of Liquid Jet in Subsonic Crossflow.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  2. Farrell, Wayne, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “QLPV Representation of Unsteady Aerodynamics and Stall.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  3. Turner, Jason E, Michael P Kinzel, and Brendon Cavainolo, 2020., “A Multistage Approach To Computational Modeling of Large Droplet Breakup.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  4. Loubimov, George, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “Examining Undulation AndWake Interaction Using Statistical Moments in Wake Profile.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  5. Loubimov, George, Michael P Kinzel, and Samik Bhattacharya, 2020., “Measuring Atmospheric Boundary Layer Profiles Using UAV Control Data.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  6. Adhikari, Dibya Raj, Manoj Prabakar Sargunaraj, Carlos E Soto, Samik Bhattacharya, George E Loubimov, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “Unsteady Ground Effects On A Rectangular And Swept Wing Undergoing Heaving And Pitching During Deceleration.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  7. Yeager, Tadd R, Douglas H Fontes, Philip Metzger, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “Numerical Model of Jet Impingement and Particle Trajectories in Extraterrestrial Landing Events Using an Euler-Lagrange Method.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  8. Urcia, Jose, and Michael P Kinzel, 2020., “A Study of Numerical Methods of Convective Heat Transfer on Rough, Additively Manufactured Surfaces.”, In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.


  1. Cornelius, Jason K., Michael P. Kinzel, and Sven U. Schmitz, 2019., “An Efficient CFD Approach for Co-Axial Rotor Simulations.”, In AIAA SCITECH 2019, San Diego, CA, USA: AIAA.
  2. Kinzel, Michael P, Jason K. Cornelius, Sven U. Schmitz, Jose L. Palacios, Jack W Langelaan, Douglas S Adams, and Ralph D. Lorenz, 2019., “An Investigation of the Behavior of a Coaxial Rotor in Descent and Ground Effect.”, In AIAA SCITECH 2019, Sand Diego, CA, USA: AIAA.
  3. Metzger, P, D T Britt, K M Cannon, M P Kinzel, D Fontes, and D Kring, 2019., “Lander Plume Effects at Outpost on Shackleton Crater Rim.”
  4. Loubimov, George E, and Michael P Kinzel, 2019., “A CFD-Based Assessment of Undulating Propulsion.”, In AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, AIAA AVIATION Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  5. Yan, Sihong, David Getz, Jose L Palacios, Michael P Kinzel, Sven Schmitz, and Jack W Langelaan, 2019., “Design, Fabrication and Preliminary Testing of an Experimental Measurement Rig for Co-Axial Rotors.”, In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, AIAA SciTech Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
  6. Farrell, Wayne, and Michael P. Kinzel, 2019., “CFD Assisted Control System Design for Airfoil Pitch Control.”, In AIAA Aviation Conference (Abstract Submitted), Dallas, TX, USA.


  1. Cole, J., Maughmer, M.D., Bramesfeld, G., Kinzel, MP, “A Higher-Order Free-Wake Method for Aerodynamic Performance Prediction of Propeller-Wing Systems,” AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
  2. Cole, J., Maughmer, M.D., Bramesfeld, G., Kinzel, MP, “A Practical Potential-Flow Application of an Unsteady Formulation of the Kutta-Joukowski Law,” AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
  3. Vieira, B.A.O.., Kinzel, MP, Maughmer, M.D., “Hover CFD Predictions Including Boundary-Layer Transition,” AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.


  1. Fronzeo, MF, and Kinzel MP. “An Investigation of Gas Jets Submerged in Water,” AIAA Aviation, Washington DC, 2016.
  2. Valenti, JD., Fronzeo, MA, Kinzel, MP, and Myers, LM,. “A Validation Effort of Dual Jet Flow Simulations,” AIAA Aviation, Washington DC, 2016.
  3. Hanson, DR and Kinzel, MP. “Application of the Discrete Element Roughness Method to Ice Accretion Geometries.” AIAA Aviation, Washington DC, 2016.
  4. Hanson, DR., Kinzel, MP, Han, Y, and Palacios, JP “Computational Heat Transfer Modeling of Ice Roughened Airfoils,” AIAA Aviation, Washington DC, 2016.
  5. Cheng, B, Han, Y., Brentner, KS, Palacios, JP, Morris, PJ, Hanson, DR, and Kinzel, MP. “Rotor Broadband Noise Due to Surface Roughness during Ice Accretion.” In54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, p. 1270. 2016..


  1. Brown, C., Kunz, R., Kinzel, M., Lindau, J., Palacios, J., Brentner, K., “RANS and LES Simulation of Airfoil Ice Accretion Aerodynamics,” AIAA Paper, 6th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 2014.


  1. Lavely, A.W., Vijayakumar, G., Brasseur, J.G., Paterson, E.G., Kinzel, M.P., “Comparing Unsteady Loadings on Wind Turbines using TurbSim and LES Flow Fields,” 50th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, January, 2012.
  2. Vijayakumar, G., Brasseur, J.G., Lavely, A.W., Kinzel, M.P., Paterson, E.G., Churchfield, M.J., and Moriarty, P.J., “Considerations in coupling LES of the atmosphere to CFD around wind turbines,” 50th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, January, 2012.


  1. Vijayakumar, G., Lavely, A., Kinzel, M.P., Paterson, E., Brasseur, J., “Influences of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence Structure on the Space-time Variability in Wind Turbine Blade and Shaft Loading,” 6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 2011.
  2. McIntyre, S. M., Kinzel, M.P., Miller, S. T., Lindau, J. W., Kunz, R. F., Paterson, E. G., “The immersed boundary method for water entry simulation,” 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, January, 2011.
  3. Kinzel, M.P., Miller, S. T., Lindau, J. W., “A Tightly-Coupled, Semi-Implicit CFD Approach for All-Mach Number Flows,” 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, January, 2011.
  4. Oliveira Vieira, B. A., Kinzel, M.P., Maughmer, M.D., “Unsteady Aerodynamics of Miniature Trailing-Edge Effectors based on Indicial Methods,” 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, January, 2011.
  5. Lavely, A.W., Vijayakumar, G., Kinzel, M.P., Brasseur, J., Paterson, E.G., “Space-Time Loadings on Wind Turbine Blades Driven by Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence,” 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, January, 2011.


  1. Sarofeen, C.M., Kinzel, M.P., Noack, R.W., Kreeger, R., “A Numerical Investigation of Droplet/Particle Impingement on Dynamic Airfoils and Rotor Blades,” AIAA Paper AIAA-2010-4229, 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun 28th-July 1st, 2010.
  2. Kinzel, M.P., Noack, R.W., Sarofeen, C.M., Kreeger, R.,“A Finite-Volume Approach to Modeling Ice Accretion,” AIAA Paper AIAA-2010-4230, 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun 28th-July 1st, 2010.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Lindau, J.W., Kunz, R.F., “A Level-Set Approach for Compressible, Multiphase Fluid Flows with Mass Transfer,” AIAA CFD Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 2009.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Lindau, J.W., Kunz, R.F., “Free-Surface Proximity Effects in Developed and Super-Cavitation,” DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program’s 2008 Users Group Conference, Seattle, WA.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Lindau, J.W., Peltier, L.J., Kunz, R.F, and Sankaran, V., “Detached-Eddy Simulations for Cavitating Flows,” AIAA Paper No. 2007-4098, 18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Miami, FL, USA, June, 2007.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Willits, S.M., Lindau, J.W., Boger, D.A., Kunz, R.F., Medvitz, R.B., Noack, R.W., “CFD Simulations of Oscillating Hydrofoils With Cavitation,” AIAA Paper No. 2006-1279, 44rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, USA, January, 2006.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Maughmer, M.D., Lesieutre, G.A., Duque, E.P.N., “Numerical Investigation of Miniature Trailing-Edge Effectors on Static and Oscillating Airfoils, ” AIAA Paper No. 2005-1039, 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, USA, January, 2005.


Presentations at Conference (no Papers)


  1. Yeager, Tadd, Douglas Fontes, and Michael Kinzel, 2019., “Analysis of the Flow Over a Sphere Using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method in OpenFOAM.”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64.
  2. Kinzel, Michael, Jason Turner, Brendon Cavainolo, Caroline Anderson, UIUC Team, and CFAL Team, 2019., “An Evaluation of Droplet Breakup Characteristics for Low-and High-Speed Vehicle Impacts.”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society: M04-021.


  1. Thedin, R., Kinzel, MP, Schmitz, SU, “Numerical study of ship airwake characteristics immersed in atmospheric boundary-layer flow,” 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver, Colorado. (2017).


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Balu, A., Esplin, J., Baker, W., Hanson, D.“RANS Model Performance for Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception Prediction,” 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC16), Honolulu, HI April 14, 2016.
  2. Kinzel, M.P., “V&V Application for CFD Prediction of a Helicopter in Hover,” 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC16), Honolulu, HI April 14, 2016.


  1. Kinzel, M.P., Money, M., Krane, M., Kirshner, I., “A Numerical Investigation of a Gaseous Jet Interacting with a Supercavity,” 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
  2. Fronzeo, M., Kinzel, M.P., “An Assessment of Supercavitation Transition using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
  3. Balu, A., Kinzel, M.P., “An Eulerian-based Bubble Dynamics Model for Computational Fluid Dynamics,” 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
  4. Hanson, DR, Kinzel, MP, Kunz, RF, Palacios, JP, “Ice-Roughened Walls and their Impact on Glaze-Ice Prediction,” SAE 2015 International Conference on Icing of Aircraft, Engines, and Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2015.
  5. Kinzel, M.P., Baker, W., Koncoski, J., Krane, M., and Coder, J., “An Application of V&V to Isolate Turbulence Model Selection for Cavitation Inception Prediction”, The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2015), V&V2014-7129, May 2015.
  6. Kinzel, M.P., Moeny, M., Krane, M., Kirschner, I., and Lindau, J.W., “A V&V Approach for a Parametric Investigation of Cavity-Jet Interactions for Supercavitation.” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2015), V&V2014-7129, May 2015.


  1. Balu, A., Kinzel, M.P., Miller, S.T., “Singularity Handling Approach for Rayleigh Plesset Equation,” 2014 Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the APS, Oct., 2014, State College, PA, USA.
  2. Kunz, R.F., Kinzel, M.P., “Coupled Four-Field Icing Analysis Using a Hybrid Eulerian-Immersed Boundary Method, 2nd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase, Darmstadt, Germany, June-July, 2014 (Plenary Invited Speaker).
  3. Rosendall, B. Kinzel, MP, Feng, J., Lo, S., Peltier, LJ, Rizhakov, A, Knight, KJ, “Improving Eulerian-Granular CFD models in Multiphase Mixing for Polydisperse Flows,” North American Mixing Forum, June, 2014.
  4. Kinzel, M.P., Money, M., Lindau, J., Zierke, B., “Validation Efforts for Rocket Propelled, Supercavitating Marine Vehicles,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2014), V&V2014-7129, May 2014.
  5. Evon, K., Peltier, L.J., Rizhakov, A., Pal, S.,., Rosendall, B., Sviatoslavsky, G., Hamaoui, A., Knight, K., Kinzel, M.P., “Thoughts Concerning Qualification of a Computational Fluid Mechanics Model for Use as a Design/Assessment Tool in Industry,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2014), V&V2014-7087, May 2014.
  6. Knight, K., Pal, S., Peltier, L.J., Rizhakov, A., Evon, K., Rosendall, B., Sviatoslavsky, G., Hamaoui, A., Kinzel, M.P., “Application of Verification and Validation Concepts to Quantify Margins and Uncertainties for CFD Model Lift and Drag Assessments for Industrial Applications,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2014), V&V2014-7086, May 2014.
  7. Peltier, L.J., Pal, S., Rizhakov, A., Evon, K., Rosendall, B., Sviatoslavsky, G., Hamaoui, A., Knight, K., Kinzel, M.P., “Considerations for Use of a Static Validation Library for Verification and Validation and Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties to Support CFD in Industry,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2014), V&V2014-7085, May 2014.


  1. Peltier, L.J., Kinzel, M.P., Rosendale, B.M., Knight, K.J., Berkoe, J., “Hills’ Method Applied to V&V Impinging Jets in Scrubbing Granular Beds,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2012), May 2012.
  2. Peltier, L.J., Knight, K.J., Rosendale, B.M., Berkoe, J., Kinzel, M.P., “Practical Issues with the Current V&V20 Standard,” The ASME Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V2012), May 2012.


  1. Lavely, A., Vijayakumar, G., Brasseur, J., Paterson, E., Kinzel, M., “Inherent Variability in Short-time Wind Turbine Statistics from Turbulence Structure in the Atmospheric Surface Layer,” 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2011; Pittsburg, PA, USA.
  2. Vijayakumar, G., Lavely, A., Brasseur, J., Paterson, E., Kinzel, M., “Influences of Atmospheric Stability State on Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Loadings,” 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2011; Pittsburg, PA, USA.


  1. Lavely, A., Kinzel, M., Vijayakumar, G., Brasseur, J., Paterson, E., Lindau, J., “Influence of a recent Transition Model on Complex Nonsteady Boundary Layer Flows with Dynamic Stall and Multiple Phases,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 55, Number 16, November 21–23, 2010; Long Beach, California, USA.
  2. Vijayakumar, G., Brasseur, J., Churchfield, M., Lavely, A., Moriarty, P., Kinzel, M., Paterson, E., “The Role of the Algorithm in the Design of LES to Capture Law-of-the-Wall,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 55, Number 16, November 21–23, 2010; Long Beach, California, USA.


Non-Refereed Professional Publications

  1. Brown, Christine M., Robert F. Kunz, Jules W. Lindau, and Michael P. Kinzel, 2015., “Unstructured Mesh Generation for Simulation of Airfoil Ice Accretion.”, The Connector March/Apri.


Technical Reports:

  1. Kinzel, Michael P, Michael Moeny, Joseph Cor, Andy Wixom, Chris Smith, and Matthew Weldon, 2017., Assessments of Missle/Free-Surface Interaction., Submitted to the SCO. 54 Pages.
  2. Kinzel, Michael P, David Hanson, Joseph Cor, and Nathan Kempema, 2017., OECIF CFD Modeling Effort., Submitted to the Office of Naval Research. 35 Pages.
  3. Kinzel, Michael, Rhett Jefferies, and Frank Zajaczkowski, 2016., Experimental, Numerical, and Reduced Order Modeling of Slosh Loading of a Baffled Tanker Trailer in Motion., Submited to DARPA. 120 Pages.
  4. Cor, Joseph, Michael P Kinzel, and Adam Last, 2016., TAPS-FNC Modeling/Test Implementation Plan., Submitted to the Office of Naval Research. 120 Pages.
  5. Kinzel, Michael P, 2016., High Fidelity Prediction of Supercavity-Rocket Interactions., Submitted to the Office of Naval Research. 16 Pages.
  6. Kinzel, Michael P, and Robert F. Kunz, 2015., CFD/CAA Noise Prediction and Analysis of Sandblasting Nozzles., Subitted to Noise Control Engineering, LLC. 22 Pages.
  7. Kinzel, Michael P., and Leonard Joel Peltier, 2013., “Evaluation of CFD Pumpdown of a Model-Scale PJM Vessel.”, : 12. 12 Pages.
  8. Peltier, L.J., M.P. Kinzel, S. Pal, and K.J Knight, 2013., “CFD Estimates for the Steady Wind Loads on the Catalina Phase 1 and Phase 2 Photovoltaic Solar Panel Arrays.”, : 24. 24 Pages.
  9. Rizhakov, Andri, Sanjeeb Pal, Michael P. Kinzel, L. Joel Peltier, and Kelly J Knight, 2013., “Verification and Validation of a Star-CCM+ CFD Model for Predicting Recirculation and Interference for Power Plant Cooling Towers to Support Commercial Grade Dedication of the Model.”, : 41. 41 Pages.
  10. Berkoe, Jon, Ajay Prakash, Philip Diwakar, Mike Kinzel, Sanjeeb Pal, and Chris Kennedy, 2013., “Computational Analysis of the Angola-LNG Anti-Surge Line Movement Incident.”, : 111. 111 Pages.
  11. Kinzel, Michael P., 2012., “A CFD-Based Integral Pump-Down Model for Computing Solids Transfer from a Mixing Vessel.”, : 21. 21 Pages.
  12. Koncoski, Jeremy J., Steven M. Willits, Michael P. Kinzel, Robert L. Campbell, and William C. Zierke, 2009., Design, Analysis, and Testing of a Control Fin for Improved Lift in Partial Cavitation., Submitted to the Office of Naval Research. 76 Pages.


Invited Presentations

  1. Kinzel, MP, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Droplet Breakup Phenomena Approaching Aerodynamic Surfaces at Low and High Speeds,” Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Sept. 2019.
  2. Kinzel, MP, “Developed insight on Cavitation Modeling for CFD,” University of Florida, Oct. 2018.
  3. Hanson, D.H., Kinzel, M.P., “Discrete Element Roughness Method for Ice Accretion Prediction,” NASA Glenn, GlennIce Development Team, Dec 11, 2017.
  4. Kinzel, MP, “Developed insight on Cavitation Modeling for CFD,” Lehigh University, Sept, 2017.
  5. Kinzel, MP, “Analytical Evaluation and Improvement of Finite-Rate Cavitation Models for CFD,” Fluid Dynamics Research Consortium (FDRC), The Pennsylvania State University, Sept, 2017.
  6. Kinzel, MP, “Developed insight on Cavitation Modeling for CFD,” GTWT Friday Seminar, The Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory, July 14, 2017.
  7. Kinzel, MP, “Cavitation Modeling for CFD,” University of Delaware, May 18, 2017. Principle author, presenter.
  8. Kinzel, MP, “Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering: Past and Perspectives on the Future,” REU Seminar Series, South Dakota School of Mines, July 13, 2016. Preparing a seminar describing CFD to undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering. Principle author, presenter.
  9. Kunz, R.F., Lindau, J.W., Kinzel, M.P., Foster, N.F., “Multiphase Flow CFD in Marine Applications,” Florida International University, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Feb. 19, 2016.
  10. Kinzel, MP, “Investigation of Multiphase Jets,” Fluid Dynamics Research Consortium (FDRC), The Pennsylvania State University, March, 2015.