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Your journey starts here, with one of our graduate or undergraduate programs in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering or biomedical engineering.


Aerospace Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Amy Lebanoff

Mechanical Engineering


As a department, we constantly evolve and always strive to provide the highest quality education in engineering. We serve more than 4,000 of UCF’s 68,000 students through our undergraduate and graduate programs in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering and biomedical engineering. We boast an esteemed international faculty and a dedicated staff who ensure that our students are supplied with the skills necessary to achieve life-long learning and professional development.

Learn more about MAE.

No. 1 supplier of graduates to the aerospace defense and industries

UCF is ranked the 50th best graduate school for aerospace engineering education

UCF is ranked the 71st best graduate school for mechanical engineering education

total research funding


We Are Space U

When the U.S. returns humans to the moon in the coming years, there’s a good chance that UCF research will have played a role in the return, whether from landing there safely, harvesting its resources or training the next generation of space scientists.

At the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, our researchers are leading the charge, with several innovative research projects that support NASA’s Artemis program. From hypersonic travel to the development of new materials for spacecraft, our students and faculty are ready to take space exploration to new heights. 

Find how our students contributed to the Artemis mission through M-STAR fellowships and the NASA MINDS event. And meet our alumnus who worked on Artemis and captured the launch through stellar photography. 

Photo credit: Ben Bair ’19


Dr. Zhenhua Tian's talk explores the development of acoustic technology for dynamically controlling acoustic fields to manipulate nano- to millimeter-scale matter non-contact. Key applications include creating lattice-like patterns, printing anisotropic tissues, stimulating single cells, and enabling bubble-free DNA delivery, as…
This talk presents a computational formulation based on continuum mechanics to study the interaction of fluid membranes embedded with semiflexible filaments. We model the membrane as a thin fluid shell and the filament as a Cosserat rod. We assume that…