We are hiring!
The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Device Lab (REAL) at the University of Central Florida has a postdoc position. The REAL studies the interplay between assistive devices and the human musculoskeletal system as well as developing optimal assistive devices. We are particularly interested in 1) the analyses of how different prosthetic designs and controls impact musculoskeletal systems to individuals with amputation, 2) developing an assistive device for neurologically impaired individuals, and 3) developing machine learning algorithm which can provide optimal control to the assistive device.
The research topics are highly interdisciplinary, which integrates human movement study, electromyography, robotics, and computational modeling (OpenSim and Finite Element Analysis). Successful candidates are expected to have the background in one of these areas. Students with a PhD in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, kinesiology, or related field with an interest in prosthetics and rehabilitation engineering are encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Choi (Hwan.Choi@ucf.edu) with CV, a cover letter describing your research interest, research experience, and any highlighted skill that you would contribute to the research. Candidates with the following skills are encouraged to apply: Matlab, electromyography, motion capture, OpenSim, finite element analysis, robotics, control, machine learning, etc.

The REAL is part of Prosthetic Interface Cluster which consists of a multi-disciplinary research groups such as College of Engineering, Computer Science, and College of Medicine. The university of Central Florida is highly ranked among the most innovative schools.
What is the optimal assistive device?
There are many ways to tune and design devices to achieve the best outcomes. However, what are the best outcomes? We think devices should be capable of providing not only improved dynamic function but also rehabilitation exercise in daily living. The aim of REAL is to understand the interactions between device and human to develop optimal assistive devices for individuals with diverse abilities – from unimpaired individuals to individuals with amputation, neurologic impairments, or other disabilities.