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Dr.Vasu and his students Presented their Work at ASME’s Turbo Expo 2024
Dr.Vasu and serveral of his students traveled to London, UK to present their research, meeting and networking with 2,000 plus turbo-machinery and propulsion engineering leaders.
June 24, 2024  
University of Central Florida NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy Showcase
Central Florida high school students, with assistance from us, presented their capstone projects for the NASA Minority University Research and Education Project’s Aerospace.
April 11, 2024  
Grad Students Daniel and Andrew receive prestigious DOD fellowships
The fellowship is granted to STEM majors and graduate students who intend to pursue a doctoral degree and can complete a research project relevant to the DoD’s interests.
Oct 31, 2023  
Vasu Lab group engaged in a spirited kickball game between its OTC and MSB facilities
After a great game, showcasing both teamwork and camardaerie among our members, OTC emegered victorious. Grad Student Nishan Khanal, although on Team MSB, was the game’s MVP.
Oct 26, 2023  
Graduate Student Marley Albright and Dr. Vasu check out NASA engine
Professor Vasu and his student, Marley, were able to check out this NASA engine as a part of their ongoing research project.
Jul 28, 2023  
Dr. Gihun and colleagues work with LaVision representatives to improve our facilities
Dr. Gihun and colleagues work with LaVision representatives to improve our facilities
Jun 08, 2023  
Micheal Pierro Completes Summer Internship at Siemens Germany
While in Germany, he was able to meet up with Dr. Raghavan and fellow UCF student Perla Latorre
Aug 29, 2023  
Dr. Vasu and Graduate Student Jessica Baker working at NASA’s MSFC
As a recipient of a NASA fellowship, Jessica is able to conduct her research on site, working alongside NASA scientists to collect data.
Jul 04, 2023  
TurboExpo 2023 Sees Several Presentations from our Group
Dr. Vasu, Dr. Kim, Micheal Pierro, Marzuqa Ahmed and David Zamora presented in Boston, MA.
Jun 26, 2023  
Students travel to JANNAF 2023 to present their research
Andew DeRusha, Nishan Khanal, Dr.Vasu, Jonathan McGaunn and Marc Etienne all presented at this inter-agency conference.
May 22, 2023  
Dr. Vasu and his team presented their research at ILASS 2023
Nicolas Berube, Dr. Vasu, Sydney Briggs, and Daniel Dyson traveled to ILASS 2023 in Albuquerque, NM
May 14, 2023  
The Vasu Lab Group had a great time presenting their research at AIAA 2023 in National Harbor, MD
AIAA SciTech is the largest aerospace conference in the world. Nearly the entire group was able to present their data while there.
Jan 23, 2023  
Dr. Vasu was recognized at the UCF 2022 Space Game
During the Annual UCF space football game, Dr. Vasu was brought on the field and recognized for research.
Oct 13, 2022