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Two MAE Students Awarded 2022 Order of Pegasus

March 24, 2022
Twenty-six students — including two from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering — have been named as 2021-22 recipients of the Order of Pegasus, UCF’s most prestigious student award for those who display incredible academic achievement, university involvement, leadership and community service. This year’s recipients are: Abel Birchfield, Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering and Computer Science, […]

MAE Researchers Awarded University SEED Funding

March 24, 2022
UCF awarded a total of $1 million in SEED Funding awards to 32 research teams, three of which include MAE faculty. This is the third year the program has been available to faculty. The program, a result of a collaboration between the Office of Research and the Office of the Provost, is aimed at facilitating […]

The Crawl Before The Launch

March 17, 2022
On March 17 aerospace engineering alum Breanne Rohloff  ’19 will settle into her 2016 Chevy Cruze and make her daily one-hour commute to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) where she works as an engineer. Rohloff’s car is an automatic because, she admits, “I don’t know how to drive a stick shift.” Somewhere in the same KSC parking lot, Dan Zapata […]

New Clinical Research Will Test Brain’s Ability to Adapt to Advanced Bionic Limbs

March 17, 2022
A new, first-of-its-kind clinical trial will examine how the brain adapts to advanced, bionic arms in children born without a limb, with the ultimate goal of improving children’s control of their prosthetic. The work, which starts this spring, will be led by Limbitless Solutions, a nonprofit, direct support organization at the University of Central Florida, Wolfson Children’s […]

His Research is Personal — and it Could Change Millions of Lives

March 8, 2022
For all his knowledge about complex topics like robotics and cell biology, Chris Clifford ’21 does not know how to simply decompress. Clifford finished his electrical engineering degree in December, and he’s scheduled to leave for Cambridge, England, in October to continue his ongoing research in stem-cell therapy as UCF’s first-ever Gates Cambridge Scholar. It is among the […]