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  •  Sanzid Md Hossain, Joseph Dranetz, Hwan Choi, Zhishan Guo “DeepBBWAE-Net: A CNN-RNN Based Deep SuperLearner for Estimating Lower Extremity Sagittal Plane Joint Kinematics Using Shoe-Mounted IMU Sensors In Daily Living”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021, In review.
  • Matthew Crawford, Sepehr Ramezani, Roghaie Jabbari, Hyong Jin Cho, Brian Kim, Hwan Choi “Development of a Novel Self-Sanitizing Mask Prototype to Combat the Spread of Infectious Disease and Reduce Unnecessary Waste”, Scientific Reports, 2021, In review.
  • Sepehr Ramezani, Mohammad H. Yazdi, and Hwan Choi “A Pneumatic-Hydraulic Hybrid Variable Stiffness System”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2021, In review.
  • Md Moniruzzaman, Sanzid Md Hossain, Zhishan Guo, Hwan Choi, Zhaozheng Yin “Wearable Motion Capture: Reconstructing and Predicting 3D Human Poses from Wearable Sensors”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021, In review.
  • G. R. Carbonell*, J. Dranetz*, and H Choi+. “A lower limb prosthetic augment for optimal energy recycling, biomimetic to gastrocnemius and achilles tendon function.” 2020, Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Accepted.
  • Dranetz JM*, Ramezani S*, Stock M, Carroll M, Varro M, Choi H+, In-Silico Biomechanical Model for Affected Muscle in Transtibial Amputees. Southern Biomechanics Engineering Symposium Journal Proceeding 2020; Accepted.
  • Ambro TA*, Carbonell GR*, Jung SM*, Hong JH, Choi H+, Lei CH+, Design and optimization of variable stiffness ankle foot orthoses via finite element analysis. Southern Biomechanics Engineering Symposium Journal Proceeding 2020; In review. (+Co-corresponding authors)
  • Ingraham K*, Choi H*, Gardinier E, CD Remy, D Gates, Choosing appropriate prosthetic ankle work to reduce the metabolic cost of individuals with transtibial amputation. Scientific Reports 2018; 15303. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)
  • Choi H, Peters K, MacConnell M, Katie L, Eckert E, and Steele KM, Impact of ankle foot orthosis stiffness on Achilles and gastrocnemius function during unimpaired gait. Journal of Biomechanics 2017;64:145-152.
  • Choi H, Wren T, Steele KM, Gastrocnemius operating length with ankle foot orthoses in cerebral palsy. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 2017;41(3):274-285.
  • Choi H, Bjornson K, Fatone S, Steele KM, Using musculoskeletal modeling to evaluate the effect of ankle foot orthosis tuning on musculotendon dynamics: a case study. Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology 2015;2:1-6.
  • Min SG, Choi H, Lee SH, Hong JH. Dynamic Analysis of Canine Tibialis Cranialis-Ankle Joint Musculoskeletal Structure and Experimental Validation. Journal of Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2007;24(12):20-28.
  • Bae TS, Choi H, Kim SK, Moon MS. Effects of Prosthetic Mass Distribution on Musculoskeletal System during Amputee Gait. Journal of Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2007;24(8):130-137.
  • Hong JH, Choi H. Flexion, Extension, Abduction, and Adduction Exercise Analyses of Transfemoral Amputee Depending on Variation of the Surgical Method. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2006;6:2928-2932.