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E. Irani, M. Crawford, S. Ramezani, JM. Dranetz, and H. Choi. “Deriving Muscle Pathway of the Gastrocnemius Using Motion Capture and Ultrasound for Musculoskeletal Modeling.”, GCMAS.

  • Dranetz JM, Ramezani S, Stock M, Carroll M, Varro M, Yeo WH, Bagci U, Cornnell H, and Choi H, In-Silico Biomechanical Models for Affected Muscle in Transtibial Amputees. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020. Accepted.
  • Hossain MSB, LeeYH, Hong JW, Choi H*, and Guo Z*, Predicting Lower Limb 3D Kinematics during Gait Using Reduced Number of Wearable Sensors via Deep Learning. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020. Accepted. (*Co-corresponding authors)
  • Ramezani S, Dranetz JM, Stock MS, Choi H, Validation of Musculoskeletal Models Using Single Degree of Freedom Analysis. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020. Accepted.
  • Rios Carbonell and Choi H, Biomimicry of the Gastrocnemius During Gait for Transtibial Amputees. American Society of Biomechanics (Atlanta, GA) Aug 2020. Accepted.
  • Choi H, Gardinier EM, Wensman J, Remy CD, and Gates DH, Effect of varying power of powered prosthesis on gait asymmetry and metabolic cost. American Society of Biomechanics (Boulder, CO) Aug, 2017.
  • Choi H, Peterson K, and Steele KM. Fabrication of Customized 3D-Printed Variable Stiffness Ankle Foot Orthoses to Evaluate Muscle Function. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (Portland, OR) Mar, 2015.
  • Choi H, Bjornson K, Fatone S, and Steele KM. Changes in Gastrocnemius Length with AFO-FC Tuning. American Academy of Orthotist & Prostetists (New Orleans, LA) Feb, 2015.
  • Choi H, Wren T, and Steele KM. Using Musculoskeletal Modeling to Evaluate Changes in Gastrocnemius Length with Different Ankle Foot Orthoses. Northwest Biomechanics Symposium (Salem, OR) May, 2014.
  • Choi H, Bjornson K, Fatone S, and Steele KM. Changes in musculotendon length with AFO tuning after stroke: a musculoskeletal modeling case study. Biomedical Engineering Society (Seattle, WA) Sep, 2013.
  • Hong JW, Choi H. Dynamic analysis of transfemoral amputee’s musculoskeletal system using muscle activation control parameters measured by FES experiments, Ninth International Symposium On the 3D Analysis of Human Movement (Valenciennes University, France) Sep, 2006.