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Engineering Design Challenges
Welcome to NEXTGEN-EDC Year 3
Updated 9/3/2024
The University of Central Florida’s MUREP Aerospace Academy is accepting registrations NEXTGEN-EDC Year 3 program. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays at UCF from 6-8 PM, beginning with a kick-off event on Wednesday, September 18th and ending in late April.
Looking for more information? Check out these resources:
Registration documents can be found below.

Registration documents are due by Thursday, September 12th.
Please reach out to Dr. Justin Urso ( if you have any questions.
MUREP 2024-2025 Application
Email competed and signed documents to by Thursday, September 12th
Information Board
Students from all sessions are welcome to attend our virtual presentation series, the Teams link is provided here.
Week of June 5th, 2023
Week of April 17th, 2023
Week of April 10th, 2023
Week of April 3rd, 2023
Week of March 27th, 2023
Our session on Thursday, March 30th, hosted Dr. Mary Tripp from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Sarah Evans from iSTEM, who discussed the L.E.A.R.N. and the EXCEL and GEMS programs, respectively. EXCEL aims to increase student success in STEM during the transition to university life. L.E.A.R.N. provides STEM students with mentoring and academic opportunities for both freshman and transfer students. GEMS, Girls EXCELing in Math and Science aims to increase student success in their first two years of the student’s STEM collegiate career. A transcript of the session can be found here.
Week of March 6th, 2023
Our session on Thursday, March 9th, hosted a panel of engineering clubs at UCF, including Baja (Society of Automotive Engineers racing chapter) and Knights Experimental Rocketry (KXR).
Week of February 27th, 2023
Our session on Thursday, March 2nd, hosted a scholarship workshop aimed at allowing students to support themselves throughout college. The workshop will focus on obtaining scholarships, the laws around them, and pitfalls to be aware of. Students will listen to a 25 minute lecture going over several obscure scholarships, grants, and how to maximize the amount they may receive from said scholarships.
Last Updated June, 2023
Week of March 13th, 2023
Relativity Space is preparing to launch their predominantly 3D-printed rocket after two previous scrubbed attempts.
Week of February 27th, 2023
SpaceX launched Crew-6 from Cape Canaveral heading towards the ISS.
Check out this interview by the Planetary Society with the Director of Canadensys West, Peter Visscher. They discuss Canadensys’ lunar rover, and the need for multiple facets of research in space.
Last updated March 16, 2023
We are accepting applications to be a near-peer mentor in the NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy Program! Please email your résumé to Dr. Justin Urso (
Last updated 9/3/2024
Useful Links
NEXTGEN-EDC aims to provide informational resources for current and future STEM majors regarding the application process to colleges and universities, scholarship opportunities, and collegiate and professional societies that promote diversity in STEM fields.
NASA Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Aerospace Academy
NASA Simulated Lunar Operations (SLOPE) Lab
Engineering Resources
Scholarship and Professional Development Resources
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars is a three part program for community college students to learn about career opportunities at NASA. During the third part of this program, students will participate in a design challenge at a NASA field center or partner institution. The program leads to networking, job-shadow, and professional development workshops.
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) Application
Research and Mentoring Program (RAMP)
The Research and Mentoring Program is for students who are underrepresented in graduate programs and offers up to $2,800 in scholarships for the academic year to conduct a research project with a faculty member. The program also offers a community of resources for participants to prepare for a successful graduate career.
“The McNair Scholars Program is designed to prepare students from low-income, first-generation and traditionally underrepresented groups for doctoral studies. McNair Scholars participate in courses, seminars and workshops on topics related to graduate school preparation, complete a paid research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and have the opportunity to present their research at local, regional and national conferences.”
A program that invites science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and social science students to become a part of a supportive learning community.
· F-L.E.A.R.N. is for students entering UCF from high school.
· T-L.E.A.R.N. is for students entering UCF from a state/community college.
1. Experience a small learning community at a large research university. Coming to the second largest university in the nation can be a bit daunting to a first-year, transfer student. We provide opportunities for our T-L.E.A.R.N. students to build one-on one relationships with faculty, staff, and other students on campus.
2. Receive priority course registration and a scholarship.
3. Enroll in Introduction to Research courses to produce a research proposal and poster presentation. Each course is 1 credit hour: Introduction to Research I is taken in the fall semester and Introduction to Research II is taken in the spring semester.
4. Engage in research with a faculty mentor.
5. Participate in academic, social, and community service activities through UCF-sponsored events to build and strengthen their network of peers.
6. Acquire skills that will make them qualified and competitive to apply to upper-level undergraduate research programs
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
“The program offers $2,000 academic scholarship for summer
courses (Summer A or C only). Professional development workshops, including
several exclusive sessions for SURF Fellows. Opportunity to present in the
Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Showcase (required for SURF Fellows, optional
for Publishing Fellows)”
AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship
“The scholarship awards one $10,000 scholarship to a female high school senior and one $10,000 scholarship to a female university student who are intending or pursuing an engineering major at a college or university in the United States or one of its territories.”
AIAA Roger W. Kahn Scholarship
“AIAA is awarding up to four $10,000 scholarships to high school seniors who enroll in an engineering major at a college or university”
If a student is awarded the Astronaut Scholarship the
recipient will receive: A scholarship up to $15,000 (full amount awarded unless
scholar is “over-awarded” based on federal guidelines), A paid trip to ASF’s
Innovators Weekend, Life-long engagement with the astronauts, Astronaut Scholar
alumni, and the Foundation.
Barry M.
Goldwater Scholarship
“Each Goldwater Scholar annually receives an amount equal to
the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and room and board minus the amount
of support provided for by other sources, up to a maximum of $7.500 per full
academic year. Scholars who receive the award as sophomores can expect to
receive support for a maximum of two years (4 semesters) or until graduation,
if sooner. Scholars who receive the award as juniors can expect to receive
support for a maximum of one year (2 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner.”
in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship
“Four merit-based awards of $2000 will be given to rising
juniors and seniors in college, to be applied to the academic year”
Society of Women in
Engineering Scholarships
Application and Inclusion Resources
Diversity-minded Student Organizations
iSTEM – The Center for Initiatives in STEM
Office of Diversity and Inclusion – College of Engineering and Computer Science at UCF