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UCF Team Uses Machine Learning and Computational Models to Predict Space Junk Movements and Ways to Avoid It

March 1, 2021
Making sure spacecraft don’t crash into each other or into space junk is at the center of Assistant Professor Tarek A. Elgohary’s research at UCF’s Astrodynamics and Space Robotics Laboratory. Using analytical and computational methods in addition to machine learning techniques, Elgohary and his team of students calculate the probability of collision between resident space […]

UCF Joins Project to Develop Composites for Spacecraft, NASA Missions

February 22, 2021
Sometimes big things come in small packages, and the new thin but strong materials the University of Central Florida is helping NASA develop are no exception. These materials, known as thin-ply composites, are as thin as carpenter’s measuring tape but strong enough to support satellite payloads, such as solar sails for solar-powered space travel, or […]

UCF Researchers Use Advanced Light to Reveal How Different Biofuels Behave

January 12, 2021
Vehicles have evolved to become more efficient and sophisticated, but their fuel hasn’t necessarily evolved along with them. The Department of Energy is determined to identify cleaner burning and renewable alternatives to gasoline, and through the work of two UCF researchers, the DOE is one step closer to that goal. Research engineer Anthony C. Terracciano […]

UCF Engineering and Biology Researchers Collaborate to Aid Coral Reef Restoration

January 11, 2021
Florida’s threatened coral reefs have a more than $4 billion annual economic impact on the state’s economy, and University of Central Florida researchers are zeroing in on one factor that could be limiting their survival – coral skeleton strength. In a new study published in the journal Coral Reefs, UCF engineering researchers tested how well […]

Researchers Identify Features That Could Make Someone a Virus Super-Spreader

November 30, 2020
New research from the University of Central Florida has identified physiological features that could make people super-spreaders of viruses such as COVID-19. In a study appearing this month in the journal Physics of Fluids, researchers in UCF’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering used computer-generated models to numerically simulate sneezes in different types of people […]