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Two UCF Aerospace Students Receive Fellowship’s First Awards

March 1, 2021
Two UCF students are among 43 nationwide who have been chosen to receive the inaugural Patti Grace Smith Fellowship for Black aerospace undergraduates. Alexandria Baca, a first-year student, and Loubensky Baine, a second-year student, were selected for the new honor established to promote diversity in the aerospace industry. The two were picked after applicants were […]

A UCF Aerospace Engineering Student Has Out-of-This World Dreams

January 29, 2021
Jillian Gloria of Orlando has always been inspired by space exploration, and as a junior pursuing aerospace engineering at UCF she has held multiple research positions and worked with industry as she prepares to someday become an astronaut. Her most recent project came out of her involvement with UCF physics Assistant Professor William Kaden’s Research […]

NASA Fellowship Turns Doctoral Student’s Dream Into Reality

October 23, 2020
It’s not often that a childhood dream manifests into a grown-up reality. For Christian Vazquez, an aerospace engineering Ph.D. student, that dream did come true in the form of an opportunity at NASA. Vazquez was recently awarded the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity Fellowship. The highly competitive opportunity was awarded to just sixty fellows […]

Students Gain In-Depth, Global Look at Aircraft Industry in Brazil

August 19, 2020
Every college student looks forward to Spring Break, but the students who take “Contemporary Projects in Aerospace Manufacturing” look forward to it even more. As part of the class, students travel to São Paulo, Brazil, during Spring Break for a week-long study abroad experience. “This program allowed me to see aircraft manufacturing on small and […]

Building the Future: Two MAE Students Awarded Astronaut Scholarship

June 17, 2020
Two Burnett Honors Scholars, Rishi Basdeo and Emma Shafer, were the recipients of the prestigious Astronaut Scholarship this year. The scholarship, which is awarded by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation to promising STEM students seeking to conduct graduate research and advance their fields, is highly competitive. Since 1986, 39 scholarships have been awarded to UCF students. […]