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UCF Students Awarded Fulbright Scholarships

August 1, 2018
Six UCF students, two of whom are affiliated with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, were awarded 2018-19 Fulbright scholarships to participate in international exchange programs that strengthen international partnerships and address mutual goals for global concerns. Estefania Bohorquez, ’17, is currently studying mechanical engineering while Linda Rossmann, ’17, studied mechanical engineering as an […]

Spotlight on Study Abroad in Brazil: Reilly Dearth

July 3, 2018
Reilly Dearth, a industrial engineering student at the Burnett Honors College, traveled to Brazil with other BHC students and faculty as part of the Brazil study abroad program. He says that his time on the trip allowed him to make connections with other students and staff members, experience a foreign culture, and see a global […]

Spotlight on Study Abroad in Brazil: Austin Searles

July 3, 2018
Meet Austin, an aerospace engineering senior, who chose to study abroad during spring break with the Burnett Honors College. This engineering-based trip counts for a technical elective and gives you access the industry leaders at aerospace conglomerate, Embraer. Why He Chose to Study Abroad “I’m Austin Searles, an aerospace engineering senior, I’m graduating this May. […]

MAE Student Named One of Aviation Week’s 20 Twenties to Watch

March 1, 2018
Mechanical engineering graduate student Estefania Bohorquez has been named a member of the 2018 class of 20 Twenties by Aviation Week Network and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This distinction was established by both groups in 2013 to recognize students who are changing the face of the aerospace and defense industries. Representing undergraduate and […]

Going Global: UCF Engineers Shine Conducting Research Abroad

November 22, 2017
If your idea of an engineering student is a rainbow-haired former fine arts major who traveled to Cologne, Germany for a ten-week science fellowship at the German Aerospace Center as well as a stint at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago and, oh, yes, is a woman, then you might be familiar with Seetha Raghavan’s lab. […]