Sagnik Mazumdar
Email: sagnik.mazumdar@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-0492
Office: ENG I, Room 349
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Sagnik Mazumdar received his Ph.D. from Purdue University. His undergraduate education is from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, India.
Mazumdar is experienced in both academic and industrial settings. He has taught and developed several graduate and undergraduate courses in areas such as computational fluid dynamics, experimental methods in thermal sciences, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, dynamics and computer-aided design. He has served as an advisory committee member for several graduate level thesis committees.
His research interest is in the application of thermofluid modeling (both computational and experimental) for better understanding of environmental issues and next generation energy systems. His work to date has focused on modeling and analysis of issues in indoor and outdoor environments, energy systems, HVAC-R systems, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Over the years, Mazumdar has worked on projects with sponsorship from the Federal Aviation Administration, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety, the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program, and the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India
- Bachelor of Technology (Honors) in Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Fluid mechanics
- Heat transfer
- Modeling and analysis of issues in indoor and outdoor environments
- Energy systems
- HVAC-R systems
- Salkhordeh, S., Mazumdar, S., Jana, A., and Kimber, M. L. 2018. “Reynolds Number Dependence of Higher Order Statistics for Round Turbulent Jets Using Large Eddy Simulations,” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.
- Mazumdar, S., Landfried, D.T., Jana, A., and Kimber, M. 2013. “Initial computational study of the thermal mixing in a VHTR Lower Plenum,” The 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Pisa, Italy.
- Isukapalli, S.S., Mazumdar, S., George, P., Wei, B., Jones, B., and Weisel, C.P. 2013. “Computational fluid dynamics modeling of transport and deposition of pesticides in an aircraft cabin,” Atmospheric Environment, 68, 198–207.
- Chen, Q., McDevitt, J.J., Gupta, J.K., Jones, B.W., Mazumdar, S., and Poussou, S.B. 2012. “Infectious disease transmission in airliner cabins,” Final Report for the Federal Aviation Administration, Report No. RITE-ACER-CoE-2012-01.
- Chen, Q., Zhang, T., and Mazumdar, S. 2010. “Placement of sensors and identification of contaminant sources in airliner cabins,” Final Report for the Federal Aviation Administration, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA.
- Poussou, S., Mazumdar, S., Plesniak, M.W., Sojka, P., and Chen, Q. 2010. “Flow and contaminant transport in an airliner cabin induced by a moving body: Model experiments and CFD predictions,” Atmospheric Environment, 44(24), 2830-2839.
- Mazumdar, S., Bhattacharyya, S., and Ramgopal, M. 2005. “Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of compressor driven metal hydride cooling systems,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30, 631-641.
- Mazumdar, S., Bhattacharyya, S., and Ramgopal, M. 2005. “Compressor driven metal hydride cooling systems—mathematical model and operating characteristics,” International Journal of Refrigeration, 28, 798-809
- Grant-in-Aid Award, ASHRAE
- Ross Doctoral Assistantship at the Purdue University School of Mechanical Engineering
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
- EML 6155: Convection Heat Transfer
- EML 6131: Combustion Phenomena
- EML 5713: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
- EML 5152: Intermediate Heat Transfer
- EML 4411: Modern Power Generation Systems
- EML 4306C: Energy Systems Lab
- EML 4143: Heat Transfer II
- EML 4142: Heat Transfer
- EML 3701: Fluid Mechanics
- EGM 3601: Solid Mechanics
- EGN 3343/3343H: Thermodynamics
- EAS 3101: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics