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UCF Undergrad Defines Role of CO2 in Combustion

December 21, 2018
Elizabeth Wait, a senior at UCF studying biotechnology, recently published her fifth academic paper and made the cover of International Journal of Chemical Kinetics for her study on how adding carbon dioxide to the combustion process could affect the rates of reaction. The study, funded by the Department of Energy, was aimed at investigating if carbon dioxide affects […]

Biofuels or Bust: Researcher Studies Next-Generation Energy

February 15, 2018
Ask Subith Vasu what drives him, and he’ll answer a rapidly changing automotive industry and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products. The assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering works with his student research team testing next-generation fuels to find out which ones are actually better for cars and the planet. “There are a number […]

MAE Professor Inducted into AIAA Class of 2018 Associate Fellows

January 18, 2018
Assistant Professor Subith Vasu was among the honorees formally inducted into the class of 2018 by the The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at its AIAA Associate Fellows Recognition Ceremony and Dinner on Jan. 8 in Orlando. “The distinguished individuals comprising the Class of 2018 Associate Fellows exemplify extraordinary accomplishments and leadership in the […]

Using Rocket Science to Make Coal-Fueled Power Plants More Efficient, Safe

November 21, 2017
A team led by University of Central Florida engineers is using rocket science in the form of a rotating engine sparked by multiple detonation points to make coal-fueled power plants more efficient and safer for the environment. Kareem Ahmed and Subith Vasu, assistant professors of mechanical and aerospace engineering, are leading the investigation for the […]

UCF Engineering Researchers Land Department of Energy Grants For Alternative Biofuels Research

January 10, 2017
The adoption of highly efficient, low-emission alternative biofuels just got a boost thanks to $7 million worth of Department of Energy grants announced earlier this month. The University of Central Florida landed two grants worth more than $1.25 million, which will help the Department of Energy accelerate the introduction of affordable, scalable and sustainable high-performance […]