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MAE Students Win $10K Pitch Competition at UCF Technology Ventures Symposium

February 21, 2022
Revolutionary rocket engine technology developed by students in an engineering lab at the University of Central Florida landed a $10,000 grand prize at the UCF Technology Ventures Symposium, a day-long virtual event on Feb. 17 connecting Orlando’s innovators, entrepreneurs and investors. Hosted by the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science, UTVS 2022 was organized […]

UCF Students Gain Research Experience Through National Science Foundation Program

February 4, 2022
Most undergraduate students don’t spend their summers conducting research, but for the students who participate in the HYPER Research Experience for Undergraduates, summers are less about vacations and more about academics. HYPER is the short name for the Advanced Technologies for Hypersonic, Propulsive, Energetic and Reusable Platforms program, which is an REU that’s co-funded by […]

Turning Ideas into Real Business

January 13, 2022
On most days, you can find Mason Mincey in his garage, living his dream. There are no cars or woodworking tools here. Mincey wears booties to ensure everything, including the garage floor, stays as clean as the inside of a bubble. “What we’re doing in here is what you’d find Ph.D.s doing in expensive labs,” […]

Graduation Marks Major Milestone for Student Veterans

January 10, 2022
The educational and career journey often looks different for those who chose military service. Meet three student veterans  — Bryce Frase, Margarita Figueroa and Craig Plummer — who all served our country and are now preparing to graduate from UCF. Despite their different ages, careers, service branches and learning modalities, they’ve found a home and […]

A Life at Limbitless: Three Years in the Making

December 17, 2021
Julia Barry began her journey at Limbitless in Spring 2019. Since then, Julia became an integral part of the internship program, acting as a mentor and team lead for the new engineering students. On Dec. 17, 2021, Julia will graduate with bachelor’s degrees in both mechanical engineering and biology. Recently, I sat down with Julia […]